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HK$ 250,22
HK$ 212,69
Larysa Bezuhlasecurity_checkedFlag
+3 outra(s)
Aulas: 102Alunos: 15
مرحبا 👋. اسمي لاريسا و انا معلمة اللغة الروسية. اللغة الروسية هي لغتي الأم.أكملت دورة خاصة لمدرسي اللغة الروسية في جامعة موسكو الحكومية.أنا متخصصة معتمدة في هذا المجال. نتعلم بمساعدة اللغة العربية.سوف تتعلم التحدث والقراءة والكتابة والفهم اللغة الروسية. سوف نستخدم الكتب الدراسية الروسية والأساليب الحديثة لدراسة اللغة. لدي خبرة غنية في تدريس اللغة الروسية على المستوى الفردي والجماعي. 😀سأكون سعيدًا جدًا لمساعدتك في دراسة Hello friends😊. My name is Larysa and I am a professional teacher of Russian as a foreign language. I was born and raised in northern Russia, but now I live in the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa. Russian is my native language. Several years ago I completed a special course as a teacher of Russian as a foreign language at Moscow State University and have a certificate as a teacher of Russian as a foreign language. I have extensive experience as a teacher, both individually and in groups, using modern teaching methods. Lessons are easy, understandable and effe...
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(Avaliações: 39)
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HK$ 132,93
HK$ 112,99
Елена security_checkedFlag
Aulas: 991Alunos: 38
Добрый день! Меня зовут Елена. Я люблю изучать новые культуры, языки и заводить интересные знакомства. Я твердо убеждена в том, что практика разговорной речи - самый эффективный способ обучения иностранному языку.Я преподаю русский язык для иностранных студентов в течении двух лет. Занятия провожу в соответствии с потребностями учеников. Буду рада помочь Вам в обучении независимо от Вашего уровня владения языком. Для уроков я использую материалы, созданные специально для иностранных студентов, изучающих русский язык. Изучение русского языка мы начинаем с алфавита и простейших фраз, постепенно подключая грамматику и новую лексику. Если вы изучаете русский, но Вам не хватает практики общения с носителем языка - я с радостью Вам помогу. Поддержу разговор на любую тему. Помимо этого, на уроках мы можем также читать, пересказывать тексты, описывать картинки, переводить тексты или статьи. Hi! My name is Lena. I love learning new cultures, languages and make interesting acquaintances. I ...
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(Avaliações: 369)

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HK$ 86,01
HK$ 73,11
Linda Polezhaksecurity_checkedFlag
Aulas: 2.476Alunos: 227
Hello to everybody :) My name is Linda. I am 25 and I am from Kharkiv, Ukraine. I graduated from a medical college, my profession is a paramedic. I recently graduated from university with a degree in Philology. I love to read, my favorite book is Pride and Prejudice, I really like classical music and I am a great fan of biathlon and football. I am a sociable girl, so we will never get bored together :) I have experience in teaching English to children, and I also help foreign students learn Russian and Ukrainian, understand the traditions and culture of my country and adapt here There is no difference if you are a beginner or advanced, I will be happy to help you learn, understand all the small or complex details of the Russian and Ukrainian languages. I hope that after our lessons you will think something like: “That was easier than I could have expected!” We will have a great chance to know the culture and traditions of our countries! And I will be happy to be your guide in le...
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(Avaliações: 881)
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HK$ 195,41
HK$ 166,09
Victoria | ⭐Interactive Lessons⭐security_checkedFlag
+4 outra(s)
Aulas: 8.124Alunos: 340
📍 Currently in Turkey ⠀ Привет! Меня зовут Виктория, и я помогу тебе изучить русский язык. Hi! My name is Victoria and I’d be happy to help you learn Russian 👩🏼‍🏫 ⠀ 📌 WHY YOU SHOULD CHOOSE ME: ⠀ • I’m a professional teacher and a native Russian language speaker. I taught more than 9000 lessons since 2016📚 • I use only modern advanced technologies for learning a language. No PDFs, only a fun and interactive approach to learning. • I speak 4 languages and I know how difficult it can be. • I do my best to support my students and answer ALL their questions 24/7. • My explanations are simple, even if the topic is very complex. • I give a lot of grammar hacks. • I'm funny😁 ⠀ 📌 WHAT YOU GET IN CLASS AND WHAT YOU PAY FOR: ⠀ 1️⃣ You get modern interactive fun lessons that include working on my special online course platform to learn Russian. I use advanced technologies for teaching my students. 2️⃣ My teaching style is based on all necessary elements of learning a language such as grammar, speaki...
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(Avaliações: 4138)
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HK$ 234,50
HK$ 199,33
Petr security_checkedFlag
+4 outra(s)
Aulas: 6.373Alunos: 296
Привет! :) My name is Petr (Пётр). I was born and raised in Moscow, Russia, but I currently live in the U.S., so if you live in the Western Hemisphere, my schedule will work just great for you. I speak fluent English and am conversant in Spanish and German, so if you speak any of those languages, I will be happy to use them with you. I also speak and understand a little French and Arabic. I have been teaching on Verbling for over 8 years (over 5,000 lessons taught). I hold a bachelor's degree in Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures from a university in Moscow, and a master's degree in Language Education (Curriculum & Instruction) from a university in the U.S., as well as a postgraduate diploma in Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language from Moscow State University. I have many years of experience teaching Russian as a Foreign Language and English as a Second Language (ESL) in both Russia and the U.S. I currently teach Russian and German at Texas A&M University (one of the larg...
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(Avaliações: 3789)
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HK$ 250,22
HK$ 212,69
Katya | Interactive lessonssecurity_checkedFlag
+2 outra(s)
Aulas: 8.533Alunos: 349
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 New course: Group Interactive Lessons. Have more fun for a lower price! (Please, contact me to get more information about it) ⠀ ❓What are interactive lessons? ⠀ Interactive lessons are lessons where you will not sit and listen to a monotonous lecture from a teacher, but be an active part of the process that really reminds you of a game. You will listen to live audios, watch videos, complete tasks and vocabulary exercises with colourful pictures. This way of lessons will keep you motivated and interested. You will see yourself what path you have covered and how much you still need to go. ⠀ ❓Who am I? ⠀ My name is Katya, and I am a professional Russian teacher. I adore the Russian language and want to share my love with other people. You can see it on my Instagram and YouTube channel dedicated to learning Russian with a lot of great free resources. ⠀ ❓I am excited about taking lessons. What is next? ⠀ Firstly, you need to choose any green space that suits you in my schedule below to...
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(Avaliações: 5222)
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