Where do we need to add letter "O" to prepositions?

We have special rules for prepostions like these:
1. In the explanatory dictionaries, the semantic difference of prepositions is not indicated in any way. 2. The expression "go to the doctor" - "идти ко врачу" is simply inconvenient for pronunciation. 3. The preposition K is more common, and we use KO in special cases, when there is a meeting of consonants, inconvenient for pronunciation.
On the other hand, the regularity of phonetic inconsistencies is difficult to determine, for example: to me - ко мне, to everything - ко всему, but: to the meeting - к встрече
В, ВО - If the word after the preposition begins with two consonant letters, the first of which is B or Ф, then in the speech and in the letter the preposition ВО is used:
In a fragment - во фрагменте, in a phrase - во фразе, in France - во Франции, in French - во французском, in a vial - во флаконе
Во фрагменте этого фильма есть очень интересная цитата - There is a very interesting quote in the film.
Во французском ресторане мы попробовали новое летнее меню - We tasted a new summer menu in the French restaurant.
In the second - Во втором, on Tuesday - во вторник, in yesterday's - во вчерашнем, in a look - во взгляде, in possession - во владении, in any - во всяком
!! Also, the preposition ВО is used with the following words: In many ways - Во многом, in many - во многих, in all - во весь, in the name - во имя
С, СО) The principle of use is the same as in the previous pair of prepositions. The letter O is added to the preposition C, if the preposition is used with a word that starts with two consonant letters.
Со стула - from the chair, со мной - with me, со слезами - with tears, со всеми - with everyone, со многими - with many
In the case of the preposition O, the letter Б is added when the word after preposition begins from the vowels А, И, О, У, Э.

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Igor Chernyi

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اللغة الروسية
اللغة الروسية
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Hi! I'm Igor. I've been teaching online for more than 3 years. Previously, I lived in the U.S.A. Colorado, and worked there as a private teacher. Now I have my own specific way of teaching and it would be a pleasure to teach everyone of you. I'm really good with beginners and intermediate students because most of my students have the similar level. I think you remember that the best way to learn a foreign language is to take classes with a native speaker, and it's also important to do it with a professional teacher, because if they're not, you may learn the language incorrectly from the beginning. So I advise you do it right from the start. Thank you for your time, and see you in my classes.
اللغة الروسية
اللغة الروسية
متحدث أصلي
Hi! I'm Igor. I've been teaching online for more than 3 years. Previously, I lived in the U.S.A. Colorado, and worked there as a private teacher. Now I have my own specific way of teaching and it would be a pleasure to teach everyone of you. I'm really good with beginners and intermediate students because most of my students have the similar level. I think you remember that the best way to learn a foreign language is to take classes with a native speaker, and it's also important to do it with a professional teacher, because if they're not, you may learn the language incorrectly from the beginning. So I advise you do it right from the start. Thank you for your time, and see you in my classes.
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